Hello World, Revisited... Again...
By default, the
QForm engine will insert
.tpl to the PHP script's file path to use as the
template file path. For example, for the very first example, the script with the form defintion
was named
intro.php. Therefore, by default, Qcodo used
intro.tpl.php as the HTML template
include file (the "tpl" signifying that it's an HTML template).
For many reasons you may want to use a different filename or even
specify a different filepath altogether. In fact, the Qcodo Code Generator does this when it generates the
form_draft template files into a separate directory than the form_drafts, themselves.
QForm::Run method takes in an optional second parameter where you can specify the exact
filepath of the template file you wish to use, overriding the default "script_name.tpl.php".