The Examples Site Database
Before learning about the Code Generator, it might be good to first get acquainted with the
data model which the Code Generator will be generating from.
Click on the "View Source" link in the upper righthand corner to view the
mysql_innodb.sql to examine the data model in script form, or you can
view an ER diagram of the data model below.
If you have not installed this
Examples Site Database on your MySQL server, you might want to
do that now. After installing the database, you must also remember to
code generate
the corresponding objects
before trying to any of the further code generation examples.
Note that there is also a SQL Server version of this database script called
In the script, we have six tables defined. The bulk of our examples will focus on the main three
tables of the database:
team_member_project_assn table handles the many-to-many relationship between
person and
project_status_type table is a
Type Table which will be discussed in
the example for
Type Tables. Finally the
person_with_lock table is
specifically used by the example for
Optimistic Locking.