Resizing Block Controls
This example shows how you can setup multiple positioned panels to create a user
interface with resizable panels. Only
QBlockControls are capable of being resized. And moreover,
are the only controls that are capable of being "resize handles".
A "resize handle" is simply a block control which is assigned to handle the resizing of
another block control. So in our example below, we have three generic block controls:
pnlLeftBottom, and
pnlRight, which corresponds to the three blocks of text
in the Left Top, Left Bottom, and Right.
There are also two block controls,
pnlVerticalResizer and
pnlHorizontalResizer, which are
QPanels, that have been set up to handle the resizing of the other
three text-filled panels.
Note how you can clock and drag this thin pannels to resize the larger ones.
Also note that we have setup
ResizeHandleMinimum and
ResizeHandleMaximum values
on both resizers.
The Qcodo Development Framework is an open-source PHP 5 framework that focuses on freeing developers from unnecessary tedious, mundane coding.
The result is that developers can do what they do best: focus on implementing functionality and usability, improving performance and ensuring security.
It is a completely object-oriented framework that takes the best of PHP and provides a truly rapid application development platform. Initial prototypes roll out in minutes instead of hours. Iterations come around in hours instead of days (or even weeks). As projects iterate into more cohesive solutions, the framework allows developers to take prototypes to the next level by providing the capability of bringing the application maturity.
Qcodo was designed for truly rapid application development which focuses on quick prototypes and rapid iterations. The intersection where design meets code always starts with the data model, and the expectation is that the data model will change, grow and adapt throughout the life of the application. These changes would inherently ripple out through to the rest of the code base. But instead of these changes being a burden to the development team, Code Generation can be implemented to make those changes occur with little to no interruption.
By analyzing the internal structure of your data model, Qcodo can generate not only the object code (the Object Relational Model), but also basic HTML pages to create, restore, update and delete those objects. This gives developers a great starting point to begin prototyping, even before a single line of code has been manually written. It allows the developer to focus more on writing business logic, implementing usability, etc., instead of spending time with more tedious and mundane (though required) database to object to HTML code.
These implementations and customizations are written in a code base separate than the code that is generated. So the key is that whenever changes are made to the data model, customizations in your PHP objects and HTML will be preserved, even when the code is regenerated.